Road User Charging

Toll revenue, selected countries (€ million) 2012-2023

Country 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Austria 1,561.00 1,622.10 1,687.00 1,826.00 1,902.00 2,019.00 2,156.00 2,238.00 2,084.73 2,304.00 2,442.90 2,498.00
Croatia 272.34 282.78 296.69 297.05 344.61 383.04 406.15 425.74 286.64 366.59 426.45 471.14
Denmark 472.00 492.00 507.00 537.00 594.00 614.00 576.00 587.00 479.00 540.00 625.00 654.00
France 8,442.60 8,450.00 9,170.00 9,222.40 9,599.80 9,935.40 10,223.00 10,603.24 8,734.42 10,362.55 11,274.72 11,932.30
Germany 4,498.00 4,364.00 4,400.00 4,460.00 4,633.80 4,684.10 5,165.90 7,444.30 7,393.79 7,610.00 7,373.00 7,876.00
Greece 530.00 516.00 516.00 469.00 504.00 569.20 659.61 687.34 557.93 635.27 727.40 779.99
Hungary 167.90 167.90 189.23 677.60 677.60 677.60 755.60 855.51 855.51 1,084.00 1,084.00 1,389.00
Ireland 184.00 193.00 200.00 217.00 217.00 217.00 217.00 223.80 177.07 215.41 267.60 290.40
Italy 4,971.00 4,804.50 4,914.00 5,176.94 5,733.35 5,944.44 6,151.51 5,016.95 3,694.50 4,745.98 4,801.46 5,023.52
Poland 148.25 157.00 179.60 185.86 221.20 253.00 270.00 274.30 292.90 320.00 368.00 427.76
Portugal 693.43 627.82 812.48 855.37 978.42 1,035.13 1,113.89 1,205.48 918.31 1,005.07 1,143.38 1,346.96
Serbia 137.90 130.71 138.33 138.44 140.32 171.69 165.95 231.61 181.42 279.15 255.15 278.10
Slovak republic 199.88 151.26 158.63 113.70 128.16 273.77 289.68 300.40 282.34 304.65 320.20 334.20
Slovenia 298.34 294.88 305.30 344.16 361.30 430.90 451.50 466.61 387.00 456.30 479.50 509.20
Spain 1,808.70 1,623.83 1,565.36 1,608.60 1,833.25 1,836.08 1,826.23 1,854.49 1,023.35 1,085.22 789.40 865.16
The Netherlands 28.49 26.76 26.53 27.67 30.30 33.10 35.40 36.25 28.70 30.30 33.00 36.00

Source: ASECAP

London Congestion Charge income (£ million) 2003-2022

Year Revenue Expenditure Net income
2003-2004 186.70 141.40 45.30
2004-2005 218.10 125.10 93.00
2005-2006 254.10 147.80 106.30
2006-2007 252.40 163.30 89.10
2007-2008 328.20 191.20 137.00
2008-2009 325.70 177.20 148.50
2009-2010 312.60 154.50 158.10
2010-2011 287.00 279.00 8.00
2011-2012 227.00 223.00 4.00
2012-2013 222.00 89.90 132.10
2013-2014 235.00 82.00 153.00
2014-2015 257.40 80.70 176.70
2015-2016 258.40 84.40 174.00
2016-2017 249.60 85.70 163.90
2017-2018 229.80 73.90 155.90
2018-2019 229.90 83.20 146.70
2019-2020 247.00 84.90 162.10
2020-2021 315.70 91.50 224.20
2021-2022 423.30 116.00 307.30

Source: TfL

Road user charging
In this section:

Toll revenue in Europe varies dramatically from a high of almost €12 billion in France in 2023 to just €36 million in The Netherlands.

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